All new students can attend a free trial class.
We also include a one-off enrolment fee of £25.00 per family.
Pre-Primary class (40mins) £15.00/class £180 12 weeks
Primary Class (45mins) £15.40/class £185 12 weeks
Grade 1 and Standard 1 (50 mins) £16.25/class £195.00 12 weeks
Grade 2,3 and 4 including Standards 2+ (60 mins) £17.33/class £208.00 12 weeks
Tutus and Tiaras Unset Performance class for Grades 1-4 (60 mins) £17.33/class £208.00 12 weeks
Grade 5,6 and Intermediate Foundation (75mins) £21.34/class £256.00 12 weeks
Grade 5,6 and Intermediate and Pointe (90mins) £22.50/class £270.00 12 weeks
Advanced 1 and 2 (105mins) £24.33, £292.00/class 12 classes
Unset Performance Grade 5 and above (105mins) £20.00/class £240.00 12 weeks
All pupils are encouraged to make up a missed class by attending one offered at a similar level within the same term of the missed class/es.
There is a 10% discount off the additional class(es) or for siblings also enrolled at the school. The discount does not apply when fees are paid pro-rata, after the first class of term, for new students except for Seniors attending multiple weekly classes who may pay half-termly. Pointe students must attend a minimum 2 ballet classes/week. The Unset Performance class for Grades 5 and above has no further discounts as it is already discounted as an additional class.
Payment by bank transfer to Highgate Ballet School Ltd with child’s name as reference.
Sort code: 09-01-50 Account number: 02549662
Or make cheques payable to:
Highgate Ballet School Ltd
18, Hutchings Walk
London, NW11 6LT